First Nations in Fluvial
In creating a partnership for equity in the music industry
Fluvial aims to be more than just a market event; it seeks to become an instance to collaborate in reducing the gaps that exist today in the creative industry. One of these pillars involves the First Nations; in this area, we acknowledge access problems to national and international circulation, as well as issues related to their presence in physical and digital publishing catalogs.
Music is a space for intercultural dialogue. At Fluvial, we provide a meeting place where, once a year, artists, managers, promoters, and diverse music professionals with different cultural and experiential backgrounds come together.
The Eagle & the Condor
At the 2020 Fluvial edition, we started a round table to provide a space for reflection and dialogue between artists and managers, which we called the Table of the Eagle and the Condor, emulating the Central and North American legends. The story tells that these birds followed the ancient peoples of North and South America. After the arrival of the Europeans, both birds parted ways. Since then, the Eagle followed the people of the North, and the Condor traveled with the ancient people of the South. The legend says that after this separation, both birds and their people will meet again sometime.
We have maintained this roundtable over the years, seeking to consolidate a meeting point and strengthen collaboration between artists, managers, and professionals from Canada to Chile. We continued meeting regularly throughout the year and establishing objectives to improve the circulation, promotion, and management of musical productions.
At each edition of Fluvial and every meeting during the year, we are concerned with reflecting, debating, and sharing the knowledge of the First Nations with the general public, delegates, and professionals who participate in Fluvial, promoting spaces for dialogue and understanding between cultures. Thanks to this work, we have succeeded in developing the working table and the participation of artists and delegates in panels and showcases at Fluvial, SIM Sao Paulo, International Indigenous Music Summit, and Global Toronto.
For the first time in the 2020 edition, we organized intercultural showcases, even though there have always been artists from First Nations in the artistic program since the first event.
Javiera Parra y Sofía Painiqueo
Fran Straube y Victor Cifuentes
Faumelisa Manquepillan y Fernando Milagros